Image of text on chalkboard advertising the AGG

Aggie Grammar Guide


The Aggie Grammar Guide is searchable! Please use the search feature at the top of each page. You can also learn more about making an appointment with a writing specialist or tutor to discuss your coursework and see a list of our workshops and classes on the Writing Support Services page.

Writing Support Services at the Academic Assistance and Tutoring Centers presents the Aggie Grammar Guide (AGG), which utilizes authentic UC Davis student writing in order to accurately represent the student work Writing Specialists regularly encounter. The student examples exemplify areas in which students both struggle and succeed when employing particular grammar concepts. In addition, we’ve included style sections as grammar and style are interconnected. Please note, we based the AGG on Standard American English (academic English), yet we acknowledge many other varieties of English exist that we don’t address. Our goal throughout is to provide assistance when grammar becomes distracting—when the sentence construction distracts readers from the ideas, we suggest revision.

Using the AGG:

The AGG is meant to be a reference guide, but please feel free to use it any way you find helpful. In order to access grammar and style concepts, click on the topic links, which are to the left if you are on a computer; if you are on mobile, the topic links will always display at the top of each page and you can scroll to see the lesson. Once there, read the concept’s lesson and then you may click on the practice link in the left/top menu and at the top of each lesson page, which will offer intermediate and advanced practice exercises.

Writing Specialists: Heather Sturman, PhD; Ariel Loring, PhD; and Bridget Mabunga M.A.