Specialist services will resume Monday, March 31st (first day of Spring Quarter). The Writing Studio will resume Monday, April 7th. 

AATC Writing Support

Services for Undergraduate Students

Writing Support in the AATC offers a variety of appointments and drop-in support to help you succeed with your writing and reading. 

Click on the buttons below to read our guides and access our calendars. 

Students can sign up for appointments up to 72 hours in advance and can have one appointment booked at a time.

Writing Support Services

Spring 2025 Drop-In Schedule

In-Person Drop-in, Lower Level Shields Library 

Writing Studio (Tutors): Mondays through Thursdays, 12PM-5PM
Writing Studio Specialist hours: Kevin, Wednesdays 2PM-3:30PM; Heather, Thursdays 1PM-2PM
El Centro/CCLASS Specialist hours: Bridget, TBA Check the El Centro website for updates
Native Nest Specialist hours: Ariel, Tuesdays 3:30PM-4:30PM

Spring 2025 Appointments

Online or in-person in the Lower Level Shields Library for Writing Appointments, Personal Statements, and Submit Writing for Feedback. 

Writing Tutor Appointments: Coursework+ - Times to be determined  Grad School and Personal Statements - Times to be determined, Starting April 7th, ending June 5th

Writing Specialist/Assistant Appointments: On all calendars - Mondays - Fridays 9am to 6pm (Online only) starting March 31st

Writing Workshop Schedule (click to expand)

Giving Credit Where Credit is Due and Avoiding Plagiarism

For more information and to sign up, please visit the UC Davis Library's Workshops, Tours and Orientations page

  • February 19, 2025 at 4:10pm-5:30pm in Shields Library Instruction Lab room 165

Services for Faculty and Staff (click to expand)

If you would like a Writing Specialist to visit your class or partner with your program, we can give a 15-20 minute presentation on services or a design a customized workshop with you. To get started, please complete our interest form

We also have a video of our presentation on our services that you're welcome to show your class.

If you would like to assign a PlayPosit module on avoiding plagiarism, please consider adding these videos AATC made with the UCD Shields Library.

Please contact Kevin Sitz (kwsitz@ucdavis.edu) for more information.

Campus Writing Support Resources (click to expand)

The Writing Support Services in the AATC is not the only UC Davis department that offers writing support. These departments offer one-on-one consultations, online resources, workshops, and more to help support your writing beyond coursework.

The Internship and Career Center can help you with applying for jobs and internships. 

Health Professions Advising can help you prepare your materials when applying for graduate school in the medical professions.

Pre-Grad and Law Advising can help you prepare your materials when applying for graduate and law school.

The Office of Research Grant Writing can help you with writing research grants and provides many resources.

The Entry Level Writing Online Resource Page offers many online resources related to improving your writing abilities.

The Writing Center offers appointments and writing support for all undergraduate students, graduate students, and faculty.

Academic Department Listings of Tutors for Hire

Some Academic Departments on campus maintain lists of tutors that students can hire. AATC has no affiliation with these listings and does not endorse or vet these tutors. Please carefully consider the following before contacting a private tutor

  • Read any disclaimers on the department listing
  • Agree on a price in writing
  • Talk about what success will look like for you
  • Ask how the tutor is qualified
  • For safety, meet the tutor in a public place

Ready to look for a private tutor to hire? Listings for the Department of: ChemistryMathematicsPhysicsStatistics

Become a Tutor

If you are interested in helping others be as successful as you are, consider applying for a tutoring position. The rewards are great for both you and the students! Please click here for more information and to fill out our online application form.

Other Campus Resources for Students

Not sure where on campus to go for something?
Student Affairs has a great Where to Get Help guide.

Looking for help overall with your classes not just a specific subject?
The Office of Educational Opportunity and Enrichment Services (OEOES) offers Success Coaching and Learning Strategies support services.