How Does Tutoring Work, Exactly?
At the AATC, we offer a variety of drop-in and individual tutoring services to the campus community. Tutoring always begins during Week 2 of the quarter. As an AATC Tutor and depending on your subject and availability, you could get assigned to any of these types of tutoring shifts. Please check out our Guide to Hybrid Tutoring for more details.
STEM Subjects Tutoring
- Offered for BIS 101 - 105, CHE 2/8/118, ECN 1AB/101, MAT 12/16/17/21, PHY 7/9, STA 13/100
- List of services:
- AATC Drop-In Tutoring (In-person at Shields Library)
- Residence Hall Drop-In Tutoring (In-person at the residence halls)
- MAE Drop-In (In-person at Shields Library)
- Individual Program Tutoring
- Individual OASIS Tutoring (Online)
Writing Tutoring
- List of services:
- Writing Studio (In-person at Shields Library)
- Residence Hall Tutoring (In-person at the residence halls)
- Individual Program Tutoring
- WRITING Individual OASIS Appointments (Online)
- WRITING Individual OASIS Appointments (In-person at Shields Library)
- Personal Statement OASIS Appointments (Online)
- Submit Writing for Feedback OASIS Appointments (Asynchronous-Online)

recognized College Reading and Learning Association (CRLA).