AATC Engineering

Specialist services will resume Monday, March 31st (first day of Spring Quarter). Drop-in Tutoring will resume Sunday, April 6th. 


You have options.

Individual appointments are scheduled on OASIS Scheduler and meet on Zoom.
Drop-in tutoring is held in-person and no appointment is necessary. You will be seated at tables with other students in your class with tutors rotating around the space to answer questions.

Spring 2025 Drop-in Schedule - 

MAE drop-in tutoring takes place in the lower level of Shields.

ENG 10210 AM- 12 PM11 AM - 2 PM11 AM - 12 PM, 1 PM - 4 PM11 AM - 2 PM
ENG 103--2 PM - 5 PM--11 AM - 5 PM
ENG 10510 AM - 12 PM11AM - 1 PM, 4 PM - 5 PM11 AM - 2 PM11 AM - 2 PM
EME 106--11 AM - 1 PM10 AM - 1 PM--
Python--4 PM- 5 PM----

Other UC Davis Tutoring Resources (Not AATC Tutors)

The following schedules are for resources provided by individual academic departments and are not staffed by AATC Tutors. For information about these programs, please contact the department directly. AATC is not affiliated with these services.

Chemical Engineering: tutoring calendar online (link verified 10/26/22)

Computer Science: peer-led tutoring calendar (link verified 01/30/24)

Engineering: peer-led tutoring from Tau Beta Pi (link verified 01/30/24)

Languages: online resources from the Language Center (link verified 01/29/24)
Heritage Spanish Program Tutoring for SPA 31, 32, 33(link verified 6/27/22)

Mathematics: Calculus room (link verified 09/19/22)

Physics: physics club and study room (link verified 03/21/22)

Writing: the University Writing Center located on the 4th floor of TLC. (link verified 03/12/24)

Academic Department Listings of Tutors for Hire

Some Academic Departments on campus maintain lists of tutors that students can hire. AATC has no affiliation with these listings and does not endorse or vet these tutors. Please carefully consider the following before contacting a private tutor

  • Read any disclaimers on the department listing
  • Agree on a price in writing
  • Talk about what success will look like for you
  • Ask how the tutor is qualified
  • For safety, meet the tutor in a public place

Ready to look for a private tutor to hire? Listings for the Department of: ChemistryMathematicsPhysicsStatistics

Become a Tutor

If you are interested in helping others be as successful as you are, consider applying for a tutoring position. The rewards are great for both you and the students! Please click here for more information and to fill out our online application form.

Other Campus Resources for Students

Not sure where on campus to go for something?
Student Affairs has a great Where to Get Help guide.

Looking for help overall with your classes not just a specific subject?
The Office of Educational Opportunity and Enrichment Services (OEOES) offers Success Coaching and Learning Strategies support services.