Kevin Sitz

Kevin Sitz smiling with face and torso in frame standing inside Dutton Hall with window in the background

Position Title

  • Writing Support Services
2250 Dutton Hall

I came to UC Davis in 2014 when I joined the AATC team. Prior to coming to Davis, I had experience in teaching college composition as well as working in the context of writing across the curriculum. Now, as a director, I help coordinate services with different partner programs as well as assist in the creation of new programs and services. In addition to representing the Writing Support Center, I meet with students in one-on-one appointments, and I also help in our Writing Studio. Currently, I facilitate our writing tutor pedagogy course.

Degrees earned:

B.A. Political Science, UC Irvine

M.A. Political Science, San Diego State University

B.S. Liberal Studies (History/Humanities Focus), Oregon State University

Ed.D. Education, University of Southern California


Sitz, K. (2007). Irish and British Identity Upon the Establishment of the Irish Free State. (Graduate Thesis)

Sitz, K. (2016) Learning to Write the Right Way: Discourse Initiation in the College Classroom (Doctoral Dissertation)

Courses taught:

Education 98: Foundations for Tutoring; University of California, Davis

Workload 991/992: ISP, Entry Level Writing Support; University of California, Davis

Workload 992: ISP, Fast Track to Success; University of California, Davis

English 1C: Applied Intermediate Composition; University of California, Riverside

English 1B: Intermediate Composition; University of California, Riverside

English 1A: Beginning Composition; University of California, Riverside