Step one
Cut unnecessary introductory phrases like: there was, in the beginning of time, for centuries, in today’s society, I think, I believe, I feel, the point I want to make is, I want to talk about, etc. If you think you may have an unnecessary introductory phrase, read the sentence without it and see if you lose an important part of your idea. If not, cut it! Present your thoughts/beliefs authoritatively, without attributing them to yourself directly.
- Example: I believe that the main reason why UT Austin keeps it confidential when it comes to the reason why the students are chosen is to keep them with a positive, open mind. (This sentence includes 32 words.)
- Revision: The main reason why UT Austin keeps it confidential when it comes to the reason why the students are chosen is to keep them with a positive, open mind. (29 words)
Step two
Cut unnecessary repetition. Sometimes, during drafting, writers include two words that mean the same thing. It’s important to go back through the draft during editing to eliminate unnecessary repetition. That said, sometimes repetition is intentional or necessary because no other synonym exists. The reader should be able to see that the word or idea was repeated for emphasis.
- Example: The main reason why UT Austin keeps it confidential when it comes to the reason why the students are chosen is to keep them with a positive, open mind. (29 words)
- Revision: The main reason UT Austin upholds confidentiality when it comes to why the students are chosen is to keep them with a positive, open mind. (Note, “reason” and “why” mean the same thing, so we used each word once for variety.) (25 words)
- Example of intentional repetition: If a positive idea is conveyed, students are going to respond in a positive way. (Repeating the word “positive” enforces the point about the manner in which the “idea” is presented.)
Step three
Move and/or add ideas, words or phrases to clarify meaning. Sometimes the meaning gets lost in the structure, so we need to revise in order to clarify it.
- Example: The main reason UT Austin upholds confidentiality when it comes to why the students are chosen is to keep them with a positive, open mind. (25 words)
- Revision: The main reason UT Austin upholds confidentiality about why the students are chosen is to help them maintain a positive attitude and open mind. (We had to revise that last phrase quite a lot, but we clarified the point while preserving the idea. [The final revision includes 24 words. We deleted 8 words and clearly and concisely revised the sentence without losing meaning.])